The UK has pledged to being net zero by 2050, which we believe is several decades too late.
Being meaningfully net zero is so much more than carbon offsets and carbon neutral claims, and taking the easy way out tends to creates a lot more problems than it solves.
So we have committed to reach absolute zero emissions across our own operations by 2025. This means completely eliminating all carbon emissions that are directly under our control - Scope 1 & 2 emissions, without using any offsets.

100% Renewable Energy
Scope 1 Emissions
With a fast paced economy rapidly consuming our planet's limited resources, we realised that switching to a clean and renewable energy source was of the utmost importance.
We’ve been powered by 100% renewable energy for over a decade now, which has put our Scope 1 emissions at a bare minimum. These emissions only come from the gas used for some of our heating and our delivery vans.
We’re working on swapping out our gas boilers for electric heating, but the switch to electric delivery vans is a trickier one. Electric vans currently have limited battery capacity which makes them impractical to use over long distances. We’re committed to finding a solution in the long term, but it may be a case of waiting for the technology to advance further.

Our Carbon Footprint
Scope 1 + 2 Emissions
Scope 1 & 2 emissions generally rely on factors within reasonable control, such as energy source & usage, which is also why they are mandatory for carbon reporting. So we have challenged ourselves and pledged to reduce our Scope 1 + 2 emissions to absolute zero by 2025, without using any carbon offsets.
As a growing business it is a constant challenge to reduce our overall impact on the planet, but we are determined to bring down our emissions per bed & mattress we make. In 2022, although our total emissions increased by 24%, our emissions per £mn of turnover decreased by 9.3%.

Scope 3 Emissions
Scope 3 emissions include emissions down the supply chain and beyond, making them tricky to combat.
Our annual carbon calculations have established that growing, processing and manufacturing our raw materials make up a chunky 90% of our carbon footprint. Which is why we’re focusing on our material sourcing as a top priority for 2023.
Other significant emissions include transporting materials to our factory, staff commuting and delivery to customers. Even though bringing back 'end-of-life' mattresses from customers as part of our Mattress for Life Initiative™ saves tons of waste from ending up in the landfill, it does contribute to our carbon footprint.
We are in the process of developing a carbon reduction roadmap for our Scope 3 emissions with an aim to reach net zero by 2030.